
250311 How many more lives….

241216 LODD Charlotte County Sheriff’s Office

241121 PBSO Press Conference

241013 JSO Update

241012 Jacksonville Sheriff's Office off-duty Corrections Officer murdered

240905 An update from Georgia

Heartbreaking 💔🙏🏽 we are so sorry Lake County Sheriff’s Office 🥺We stand with you!!

Aleena Kondek at the Evening of Remembrance in Tallahassee, Florida.

#EnoughIsEnough #FixIt rest easy hero

Will change ever happen ?

240321 Fort Lauderdale Police Officer shot

#MentalHealth #MentalFitness #Mindset #Motivation #Prepare #Succeed #Survive !!

Las Cruces Police Chief #leadership

240220 EOW K9 Leo

MSD Shine via Margate PD